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Many teams suffer through dysfunction, inefficiency and chaos.

Enjoy the Climb: A Simple and Complete Guide to the Pinnacle Business Operating System shows teams the how to be liberated from the madness using the Pinnacle Business Operating System.

Many teams suffer through dysfunction, inefficiency and chaos.

Enjoy the Climb: A Simple and Complete Guide to the Pinnacle Business Operating System shows teams the how to be liberated from the madness using the Pinnacle Business Operating System.

Trying to get everyone moving in the same direction is overwhelming

If you don’t know the path…


Revenue stalls and your vision gets further out of reach


You waste time chasing ideas that don’t move the needle


Moral plummets and your top performers leave

It doesn’t have to be this way.
There’s a step-by-step path that gets results.

Enjoy the Climb

Breaks down the 5 key Principles critical for teams to reach extraordinary heights together. This easy read uses simple language and real world examples for every level of your organization.

Enjoy the Climb

Breaks down the 5 key Principles critical for teams to reach extraordinary heights together. This easy read uses simple language and real world examples for every level of your organization.

Growth happens when

The right people,
do the right things,
with the right tools.






10 Things This Book

Will Teach You

Learn how to…

Eliminate confusion and improve communication

Stay on track with your most critical goals

Avoid common mistakes most businesses make when running a new operating system

Build simple processes that actually get followed

Design a productive environment that makes success easier

Get where you want to go faster, better, and with less expense

Have better and more productive meetings

Make small incremental changes that deliver big results

Overcome the hurdles that keep teams stagnant

Deal with the problems instead of circling around them

Steps for Success

Purchase this book

Follow the Proven Path

Reach your Pinnacle

Enjoy the climb is the go to resource to

Get full team buy-in running the Pinnacle Business Operating System.

Designed to engage, each section has Key Take-A-Ways and Questions For Discussion creating more ownership across the organization.

After reading this book, everyone will understand the Pinnacle Business Operating System and be ready to take an active role reaching the Pinnacle together.

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Enjoy the Climb the simple guide for front-line employees to leaders running on Pinnacle.

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Enjoy the Climb the simple guide for front-line employees to leaders running on Pinnacle.

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orders of 20+ books

Escape Grind, Enjoy the Climb.

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